friends, can you believe it! It’s already a year of my blog? I just wanted to
say thank you to all of my readers who have supported me thus far and onward. Please
know you are deeply appreciated. Friends a year ago today I wrote this KeyInteriors by Shinay Blog Introduction on 10/24/2011
When I started this blog I never thought it would grow to what it has so quickly. You have no idea how I am so happy to be a part of the interior decorating, real estate, diy and crafting blogging group of people and I look forward to what’s in store. Within this year I have developed a true passion for blogging. Friends I came into this not being the best writer heck I haven’t even played a writer on TV so as you know this was all very new to me and I must say it still is but in the mist of all this I learned so much about myself.
I realize how important this blog mean to me. I finally discovered a world I can go to and express myself and it makes me happy because I’m finally in my world the world of design decorating and socializing with ones who share my passion and it doesn’t get any better than that.
More importantly I met some pretty good friends along the way but let me speak about one inparticular my friend Kristy Tasca I can’t tell you how much she’s supported and encouraged me to continue on. If there is one thing I’ve learned about blogging is if you want to stay the course on this thing called blogging you must continue support of others and in turn support will come back to you, but back to my friend Kristy Tasca she is an amazing photographer and if I do say so myself a great friend to me and its only been a year that’s right one year and I credit my blog to meeting such an amazing new friend in which I feel as though I’ve known my whole life. So! I will like to thank you Kristy for your continues support. Friends please take a look at Kristy Tasca photography blog here I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Weekly Interior Designer Moment-Eileen Kathryn Boyd
What Demands Are Place On Your Living Room?
Friday's Runway Decorate- Designed by Shinay
Real Estate Snitch Wednesdays- Mark Pincus
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When I started this blog I never thought it would grow to what it has so quickly. You have no idea how I am so happy to be a part of the interior decorating, real estate, diy and crafting blogging group of people and I look forward to what’s in store. Within this year I have developed a true passion for blogging. Friends I came into this not being the best writer heck I haven’t even played a writer on TV so as you know this was all very new to me and I must say it still is but in the mist of all this I learned so much about myself.
I realize how important this blog mean to me. I finally discovered a world I can go to and express myself and it makes me happy because I’m finally in my world the world of design decorating and socializing with ones who share my passion and it doesn’t get any better than that.
More importantly I met some pretty good friends along the way but let me speak about one inparticular my friend Kristy Tasca I can’t tell you how much she’s supported and encouraged me to continue on. If there is one thing I’ve learned about blogging is if you want to stay the course on this thing called blogging you must continue support of others and in turn support will come back to you, but back to my friend Kristy Tasca she is an amazing photographer and if I do say so myself a great friend to me and its only been a year that’s right one year and I credit my blog to meeting such an amazing new friend in which I feel as though I’ve known my whole life. So! I will like to thank you Kristy for your continues support. Friends please take a look at Kristy Tasca photography blog here I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Now in a year I have accomplished some pretty
cool things. My blog has been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award I wrote
about it here. I wrote about some ways you can be inspired by fashion like
Friday’s Runway Decorate, real estate has always played a role in my life on Wednesday’s
I write a post called Real Estate Snitch Wednesday's boy has that been fun and I even had a
few crushes on color time from time I done a few post on the color crushes I've had and I cant forget how often I was able to talk about other interior designers. Weekly I did a post called Weekly Interior Designer Moment.
So as you may be aware it’s been a pretty
full year here in my little part of the blogging world and my friends this is only
the beginning. I thought I would re-live a few of my favorite past blog post here are a few of my older post I was so happy I wrote so without further ado lets check them out.

I hope you will continue to follow this part of my
world with me and I hope you will share my blog with your friends and family if
they need help with home interiors or real estate please let them know they
have a friend who has a passion for this and a friend who will help guide them
when they need to know what colors works better with what or if they just like
to share in this passion with me, tell them I’m here and I will love for them
to follow my blog.
Friends there is a lot more coming please stick with
me and I promise this blog is only going to get better and I hope you will stay
for the long haul until the next post
Shinay Key
Happy Blogiversay Shinay!!! You never cease to AMAZE me!!! Thank you my friend. I should be saluting you and here you are giving me a shout out. I am blown away by Your talent and all of your hard work. I am PROUD to call you my friend, my official designer and my cheerleader! Go Nay Nay...it's your birthday!!! Go Nay Nay, it's your birthday! (actually anniversary lol) Happy Blogiversay lady!!! -Kristy
Thanks so much Kristy! I feel you've been with me from day one so you deserve a shout out...
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