
Monday, January 7, 2013

My dining room Journey Progress

Hello friends a few months back I asked if you would come along with me on my dining room journey while I redecorate it. 
I think it’s only fair to show you my progress as I move along. First let me tell you things have not gone as planed as I always know it's a possibility things wont go as smooth as I will like. Let me tell you my friend I thought I would be all but finish by now but as life would have it sometimes life gets in the way. Anyhow I just wanted to give you something even if it wasn't a whole lot. I could at least show you the process I use to start any project. Well let me show you how I started the process.
To follow my own decorating rules I'm taking a page from my own book here and here

  1. Find inspiration piece
  2. Create a storyboard
  3. Shop my house first 

Remember this photo?

 Well this is what my dining room looked like when I asked you to come along for the ride  and sadly this is what it still looks like but I can still let you know my progress believe it or not.
OK this is where my progress is thus far.
Inspiration to get me started- I always start every design with a inspiration piece.
Friends my inspiration is the rest of my house, see I've decorated a lot of my home a long time ago way before I even knew what a blog was. So therefore rooms like my living room, home office, bathroom and bedrooms is already done so my home is dictating a lot of how my dining room will be decorated. Furthermore my inspiration piece comes from the other parts of my home and I'm pretty OK with that however I did create an inspiration storyboard that has inspired me in my dining room. Check it out.

I put together this storyboard of this beautiful lady dressed in a golden yellow top, leopard black and white or tan scarf and  beautiful leopard hat. What do you think of those shoes with the gold, black and white?  I love them. I also love her red lipstick and the hat is to die for but on to the red purse “I'm in love”.
So what do you think? I can’t wait to see if the dining room looks even remotely like this storyboard. 

I’m sure you guessed by now that some of these colors are going be part of my dining room. As you can see the dining room is leaning more toward the darker side of the color wheel. Now if you live anywhere near Buffalo, NY you'll know I live where we have more winter then we do spring and summer so I'm totally OK with it.
I also made a e-design but I cant show it to you because you would know exactly what the room is going to look like and that will ruin the reveal but I hope the storyboard above gave you a little glance of how this dining room will look.
I shopped my house- Here is what I found!
OK I'm walking down to the basement and look what I found. Wow I found this!
Walking down to the dungeon-(basement)
So can you guess what these two things are? Let me know what you think in your comment below
What are the two things 
  • Photo A- lamp or mirror
  • Photo B- Chair,Clock or Bench
Now friends its yet to be determine if I'm going to actually uses any of these found items but it gives me a starting point on what is needed and what's not.  

So what do you think? 
Do you have any idea what this dining room is going to look like by the look of my storyboard?
friends make sure to stay tuned because more is coming.
Let me know in your comment below!


  1. Hey Mama! Can't wait to see what your dining room will look like. I <3 your Storyboard...great colors, texture and pattern. I'm going to guess on the bottom two images and say a mirror for the image on the left and a bench for the image on the right. Prior to reviewing your clues, I thought that the image on the right was a wine rack lol.....until I saw the sides of a bench is my guess. Hurry up and keep us posted...the anticipation is killing me! -Kristy

  2. Hey Shinay! I love the story/creative board. The colors are going to look really good when it's finally done. I can't wait to see the finished product! You make me want to redo my dining room :)
