
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DIY Easy Lampshade Makeover

Good morning dear friends, how are you today? I don't do this enough but I wanted to share a quick and easy DIY with you. That's right! Have you ever wanted to just do a little spruce up of a lampshade will that is what happen to me when I couldn't quite find a shade the right color of what I was looking for therefore I simply took matters into my own hands with a simple compromise yup sometimes compromising isn't such a bad thing when it accomplishes the very thing you wanted in the first place.  Friends one of my clients called for a little spruce up in her dining room something simple and not a lot of dollars so you do know what that means! Right sometimes you have to get creative because the money just doesn’t reach as far as you want it to. Now without dragging this out here is a quick and easy DIY lampshade project you can do in 3 easy steps…

Tools and Materials
  • Plain lampshade
  • Decorative trim that matches your decor
  • Glue sticks and hot glue gun
  • Craft Scissors to cut your trim
1.      Select a lampshade that matches you décor or simply find a plain
2.      Measure and cut your  trim to fit shade, I just did the bottom of my shade but if you want to trim the top of the shade you can cut more for that
3.      Prepare your workspace and use safety instructions when applying your glue with the hot glue gun.

Well my friends that is about it I hope you are inspired to compromise with yourself at some point and take matters into your own hands and tackle a simple DIY as this one. Until next time friends

Shinay Key


  1. Oh I can't wait to try this! Looks great!

  2. @Sadie Ussery
    Thanks so much Sadie I hope you get a chance to try it because it's so easy.. I appreciate your comment..

  3. Nice! Looks super easy and it's those little tweaks that can make all the difference! Thanks for inspiring others to remember that the time is NOW to just go for it! -Kristy

  4. @Anonymous
    Thanks Kristy! I appreciate your comment and your so right! The time is now...
