
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Renovation Crash- 904 Williamson Project

Hello friends, I would like to introduce a new series called (Renovation Crash) yes that's right if you have a renovation project we may be crashing the party but all in good fun of course. Fun crashing but lots of work for the renovator but nothing but rewards in the end so friends without further ado please allow me to introduce our first renovation crash 904 Williamson Rehab Project. We'll be following this renovation from start to finish therefore you get to come along for the ride. There will be lots of photo updates from start to finish so sit back put your seat belt on because we’re about to crash this renovation.

Homeowner- Eric Cumming
Subject- 904 Williamson project
Inspiration - What inspired him to start this renovation

Here’s the happy home owner now, just itching to show us around. But let’s first get to know a little about him, especially since we'll be following his renovation from start to finish.

This is Eric Cumming chilling out on the beach how relaxing and serene right! But this is just some of what Eric does in his spare time.

This is Eric running a race But You will soon learn he doesn’t mind getting dirty and he will run through fire to get this renovation done literally just see for yourself.

This Eric not minding getting dirty!
I told you he's willing to run through fire how cool is that!!

Just to prove he finished :) Now you know he's a finisher.

So friends thus far what we’ve learned about Eric Cummings is he’s hard working, someone who’s determined and most of all he gets things done, he’s a finisher just like he got down in dirty, ran through fire in a race he’s just as determined to get down and dirty in his renovation and most of all he will finish and we get to see it all the good, bad and the ugly of renovating but in the end we will see I'm certain a beautiful finished project. Friends without further ado Let’s get touring’!

 Subject property 904 Williamson
This is what 904 Williamson Project looks like now. This house will get a huge makeover but nonetheless this house will keep some of its old charm and I believe this is the part of the house which will be staying the course but we she'll see as the renovation goes on...

What charm! This house is on some pretty good land which make this prime real estate to build on.

Inspiration for the project
This home is the inspiration of what to come.

Project Plans- Option #1,#2 and final option the choice
This is plans option #1
Plan option #2
This is the final option- This is the choice the final frontier and I cant wait to see this house finish. This is what 904 Williamson Project will look like when the job is done.
Friends isn't this a beautiful home? This is the inspiration for the whole project yes this is the home that got Eric Cummings creativity spinning and in turn what ultimately helped him come to choice option #3 as his final house plans for the renovation.

Check out what the home looks like now, isn’t it charming? But this home is going to become something so much more and we get to see it while it happens, isn’t that cool?

The inside of the home going down the dark basement!
In the basement!

Renovation is starting

Will the fireplace stay? hmmm inquiring minds wants to know!!

I believe there was some floor damage there.

The bathroom has some old charm with the floor tile and the vintage sink only time will tell if some of these details will be preserved.

The hardwood floors don’t look so bad but will they stay? Hmmmm we she'll see…

I have to admit I like the vintage sink and I hope he will find a place for it somewhere in this Reno.
Check out that cedar paneling! I have a ton of it in my basement and I cant wait to get rid of it. I'm sure it was all the rave back in the day!

I think the kitchen needs more than a broom but nonetheless I hear the new kitchen is going to make us supper duper happy.

This is the Inspiration house and the final plan. What do you think! Can you see the resemblance of the inspiration in the final plans? This proves you can expand on your inspiration and make it better.

This is what the 904 Williamson looks like now. I can’t wait to see the before house go to the final plan house.....

I am SO EXCITED to see this home come to its completion so friends stick with me to the end to see this charming home become this grand beauty. Trust me it’s going to be fun watching its progress from start to finish so come back next week for part two of the Williamson Project. Please let me know what you think in your comments below!


  1. Wow, great background on Eric. I've run a marathon with him so I know he is a determined guy!

  2. @Kevin
    It seems he truly is. I can't wait until the finish project! Thanks for your comment.

  3. Very cool! He seems like a really interesting man. You can clearly tell that once he puts his mind to something, he makes it happen. The plans look amazing. I can't wait to see the finished project. Thanks for taking us on this journey too! -Kristy

  4. @Anonymous
    Thanks Kristy, I can't wait to see the finish project as well. I'm so excited he allowed me to share this with you all. Thanks again for your support.
