Complex color schemes consist of color spaced around the
color ring in a variety of arrangements. Teal, magenta and mango, (intense versions
of blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange) are middle on the color wheel, in
a combination known as “tetrad.”A four color combination of equidistant colors,
such as green, red, yellow and orange, and blue-violet is known as a “tetrad.”
Complex color schemes are pleasing because they automatically balance visual
temperature, but they can be more challenging to put together than simpler
schemes. Friends I have to tell you, this was a bit complex for me to put
together for you today so let’s see what we came up with shell we? Here are a
few examples of complex color combinations below.
or ‘double complementary’ color schemes use four colors arranged into two
complementary color pair off. Like this:
If the word (tetrad)is hard to roll off your
tongue think of it as a a set or group of four maybe just say four anyhow check out what's complex in actual photos of rooms done in this complex color combo below
Intense |
Bold |
Colorful |
Tented and muted but very beautiful! |
Complex and happy |
Mixing good design with complex color? Now that’s
my kind of color combo! Thanks friends for stopping by for this complex
lesson on color. I have to admit it wasn’t easy finding great rooms with this
color combo perhaps because it’s so complex. Anyhow let me know what you think
in your comments below.
Very cool! You know that I'm a sucker for color. Very cool floor in the first room...and I love the teal and green room. Nice work...and thanks for schooling everyone on color never gets old! -Kristy